Quick Links For Christian Unity

A Study Guide On Christian Unity

Christian Unity Quotations

Christian Unity Sermons

Some Unity Questions Answered

Stories of Christian Unity


An Introduction To Christian Unity

As the following Scriptures and quotes attest, Christian unity is a fundamental pillar of a healthy church. Achieving unity can be very challenging. So challenging in fact, that unity among Christians is the greatest proof that Jesus was divine according to John 17:21,23. Christian unity is also impossible to attain on a purely human basis. Accordingly,  the process of pursuing godly unity can bring a necessary refining and perfecting to the church—lessons are learned about patience, deference to others, submission, etc. in seeking unity that might not be learned otherwise! There are numerous indications that God holds Christian unity in such high esteem that He cannot and will not bless a church that is in disunity. The indwelling presence of Jesus is also unavailable to those who hold grudges and stubbornly remain in disunity with other believers. That does not mean that God abandons the church when there is disunity, but it certainly limits His ability to bless His people. Read more of the introduction to Christian Unity.


Seminar Pages

Salmon Arm, British Columbia Unity Resource Page

There are two newer handouts on this page. One has to do with forgiveness; the other one is following the direction in Matthew 18:15-18 when overcoming relational challenges.

Med Missionary Documents

These documents were referenced in the interview with MedMissionary.

Christian Unity GYC Booth Documents

I think the materials passed out were the best so far. Let me know if they were helpful.

Michigan Camp Meeting Unity Seminar

I shared what I believe was a most instructive seminar at Michigan Camp Meeting earlier this summer (June 2024). By clicking the link you will come to information on the sessions, illustrations cited, handouts and other important documents. You will come under deep conviction if you listen to this seminar and read the handouts. Have several testimonials on this summer, which are very positive. Dan Augsburger



Bible Study On Christian Unity

Psalms. 133: 1 "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"

A Question-Based Bible Study On Christian Unity

On this page you will find a list of Bible verses that relate to Christian unity, followed by a Bible Verse.

"Unity in diversity among God’s children—the manifestation of love and forbearance in spite of difference of disposition—this is the testimony that God sent His Son into the world to save sinners."

Our Father Cares, 36.2

"It is not the principle of truth to be finding fault and thinking evil of our brethren. If there are any difficulties that arise in your midst, seek every way that you can to adjust them; this is your Christian duty. You may think that your brother is wholly in the fault, but if your brother does not come to you you must go to him, and try to come together. You must be in harmony; unless you are in harmony with another [person] Christ cannot abide in your heart."

Sermon and Talks, Vol. 2, 21.3

Key Thoughts On Christ's Call For Christian Unity In John 17:21-23

You will find wonderful—actually amazing—quotations on Christ's call for unity in John 17.


Study Guides On Unity

A Study Guide On Christian Unity ( An Early One)

This is the earliest study I did on the subject of Christian unity. The later ones are much more complete.

Jesus And The Prayer That Restored Unity 8x11

Jesus And The Prayer That Restored Unity A5

Jesus And The Prayer That Restored Unity A4

Jesus And The Prayer That Restored Unity Booklet


Other Documents on Unity

Forgiveness and Forgiving Compilation

8x11 PDF     A5 PDF     A4 PDF     Booklet PDF     Epub Doc

This compilation looks at what it means to forgive on a very practical basis.

The Bible Rule of Matthew 18:15-18

8x11 PDF     A5 PDF     A4 PDF     Booklet PDF     Epub Doc

Mrs. White says much about using the program delineated in Mattthew 18 for overcoming relational issues in the church. She states God's people are to carefully follow the instruction given by the Savior in Matthew 18, as well as no decision should be made until the instruction has been followed. In another document she speaks of the necessity of following the plan and suggesting the omission of the plan is deserving of the severest censure. 


Key Ellen White Articles On Christian Unity

Union With Christ Booklet - Ellen White

8x11 PDF     A5 PDF     A4 PDF     Booklet PDF     MobilePDF     Epub Doc

I like to hand out this booklet on the blessings that come when we unite with Christ.   

That They All May Be One - Ellen White

This article, found in the Signs of the Times, February 7, 1900 answers many questions on what church unity is all about. I wish every member would read this article.

An Historic Call For Christian Unity In Working In New York City - Ellen White

This highly important letter on the subject  includes multiple quotes from the angel visitor speaking on the need for unity, as well as giving specific direction on how that unity can be achieved, including fasting and praying and assembling together to seek harmony. This should be read by churches who are seeking unity.

Letter 26, 1900: Church Unity and the Covenant Of Agreement - EllenWhite

Letter 26, 1900 is the best document I have found on how God can bring harmony to the disparate members of the church.


Some Christian Unity Questions Answered

Find answers about unity on this page.


Key Topics on Christian Unity

Christian Individuality And Christian Unity


Christian Unity Sermons

A Listing Of Many Ellen White Sermons, Manuscripts And Letters On Unity.

This is a list of the sermons that I have personally read on the subject. There are undoubtedly many more of them, but these were noteworthy. I put a couple of bars at the end to give a bit of a sense of the relative quality.

Christian Unity Sermons

This page features written and audio sermons on unity from a variety of people. Some of them are really wonderful. 


Audio Sermon

Jesus And The Prayer That Restored Unity - Dan Augsburger

This was part of a longer prayer series on prayer. Be sure to download the handout to follow along. Line numbers on the left side of the page are referred to during the course of the presentation.

The "Unity Handout" is a two-sided booklet folded in half. If necessary you can print this booklet. Then put the pages back to back following the line numbers, and fold in half. Then you will have a booklet to read even though you don't have a two-sided printer. 

Unity Handout


Christian Unity Quotations

Here are selected quotations on Christian unity.


Stories of Christian Unity

The Brother Howland Story

This illustration comes from the early days of our pioneer believers. They were gathering at Stockbridge Howland's home in Topsham, Maine for worship services. One Sabbath, Brother Howland was late arriving. He explained that He had been visiting a member who had not been attending. His detailed explanation provides a plan that "shall never fail" for reaching out to struggling members. 

The Moravian Revival Story

In 1727 the Herrnhut Estate of Count Nicholas Zinzendorf was badly divided over the theological understandings of the inhabitants. Zinzendorf began going from house to house begging the inhabitants to come into unity. In the course of that prayer-bathed quest, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the people and the colony was revived.

How Revival Came To The Heart of Africa Mission

The story comes from Norman Grubb's book on C. T. Studd. One of the closing chapters shares the story of how revival came to the mission.

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