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Weimar University: Revealing God's Glory

Weimar University

January 13-18, 2025

Subject Matter

This week of prayer is based on a quotation from Prophets and Kings

“For three years the Hebrew youth studied to acquire “the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans.” During this time they held fast their allegiance to God and depended constantly upon His power. With their habits of self-denial they united earnestness of purpose, diligence, and steadfastness. It was not pride or ambition that had brought them into the king’s court, into companionship with those who neither knew nor feared God; they were captives in a strange land, placed there by Infinite Wisdom. Separated from home influences and sacred associations, they sought to acquit themselves creditably, for the honor of their down-trodden people, and for the glory of Him whose servants they were." {PK 484.2}


Weimar YouTube Links

Conversion and Surrender

Related pdf of keynote

Revealing God's Glory In Our Victories (The Will)

Victory Keynote

Revealing God's Glory in our Transformations (Dying To Self)

Transformation Keynote

Revealing God's Glory in Abiding in Christ (Partaking and Abiding)

Abiding Keynote

Revealing God's Glory in the Journey. (Relationships)

Rose sharing how we came together in a God-arranged marriage. The story shows God's handiwork over and over again. The message is instructive, encouraging and funny.

There was no keynote, but the booklet on the God-given marriage is a blessing. Often we follow this up with a talk on Eliezer seeking a wife for Isaac. Here is the link for that sermon at Advent Hope: Let Her Be The One. The study guide that follows is helpful to understand more about the God-Arranged Marriage.

God-Arranged Marriage Study Guide

8x11pdf     A5pdf     A4pdf     Bookletpdf

Revealing God's Glory at a Village Celebration (The wedding at Cana)

There was no keynote but I will post my notes.

In this segment we consider how God's glory was revealed at the marriage at Cana. It was the first miracle of Jesus, obviously bringing glory to God, it also brought a stronger faith to the disciples, and brought wonderful blessings to the villagers. However much was going on that is highly instructive. We looked at more than 30 teachable items in the story. As a result of many different factors, this marriage became one of the best known marriages in all of history.

Documents Considered In Preparing

Much study was undertaken in preparing, including some documents that I believe will prove a long-term blessing to those seeking to understand some of these practical subjects.

Weimar More Abundant Victorious Life Study Guide

This was a key document considered. It is a a new edition with additional quotes, better formatting and table of contents.

8x11pdf     A5pdf     A4pdf     Double-Sided Booklet     Phone-friendly PDF     EPUB

Revealing God's Glory In Victory Study Guide: The Role of the Will

This handout shares thoughts on "The Will," the Kingly power given to each person that can be used for good or for bad.

8x11pdf     A5pdf     A4pdf     Double-Sided Booklet     Phone-friendly PDF

Revealing God's Glory In Conversion Study Guide

This handout looks at what constitutes genuine conversion and shares quotes on how simple and easy it should be to understand.

8x11pdf     A5pdf     A4pdf     Double-Sided Booklet    Phone-friendly PDF

Additional Important Articles On Revealing God's Glory

These articles were read and referenced in the documents prepared.


The Way To Christ

This is a wonderful four-part series on conversion. You will be blessed. The documents are all line-numbered to facilitate discussions.

8x11pdf     A5pdf     A4pdf     Double-Sided Booklet    Phone-friendly PDF

The Fruit of Conversion

This is a wonderful sermon on conversion and the fruit that is to come forth as a result. 

The Fruit of Conversion



How To Make Surrender Real - E. L. Minchin

8x11pdf      A5pdf    

The Need Of Self Surrender - Ellen White

8x11pdf     A5pdf    A4pdf     Mobilepdf  (if you are using a mobile phone)    Booklet






The Will

A Quote

You need to drink daily at the fountain of truth, that you may understand the secret of pleasure and joy in the Lord. But you must remember that your will is the spring of all your actions. This will, that forms so important a factor in the character of man, was at the fall given into the control of Satan; and he has ever since been working in man to will and to do of his own pleasure, but to the utter ruin and misery of man. – {MYP 153.3}
But the infinite sacrifice of God in giving Jesus, His beloved Son, to become a sacrifice for sin, enables Him to say, without violating one principle of His government, “Yield yourself up to Me; give Me that will; take it from the control of Satan, and I will take possession of it; then I can work in you to will and to do of My good pleasure.” When He gives you the mind of Christ, your will becomes as His will, and your character is transformed to be like Christ’s character. Is it your purpose to do God’s will? Do you wish to obey the Scriptures? “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” – {MYP 154.1}


The Will Letters to Henri Fry

Fourth Letter to Henri Frey Containing "Will" Paragraphs

This is the letter I read Tuesday evening. Henri Fry worked for the Adventist Mission in Basel Switzerland as a translator. Unfortunately he was apparently unconverted and not working very hard to change his spiritual condition. Three letters had already been written: the first admonishing him regarding his spiritual fitness for his role, the second regarding a failed attempt to improve things by sending him to some meetings in England and a third letter regarding his refusal to confess and acknowledge problems. This final letter presents the power of the will to bring about a complete change in his life. It is probably the most instructive letter I have found on the will. This copy is highlighted to facilitate reading. The mobile pdf is a small pdf that will somewhat fit on most mobile phones.

8x11pdf     A5pdf     a4pdf     Mobilepdf  (if you are using a mobile phone)    Booklet

The Other Henri Frey Letters

You can find all four letters sent to Henri Frey at this page that was prepared for a seminar on the will and appetite at the Thompsonville (3ABN) Church in Illinois. You will need to come back to this page afterwards.

Maxson Addictions Letter Excerpt

This excerpt from a much longer letter is highly instructive on overcoming addictions.


Abiding in Christ

Taylor, The Exchanged Life

8x11pdf     A5pdf     a4pdf     Mobilepdf  (open this if you are using a mobile phone)    Booklet

Faith is Walking the Plank

8x11pdf      Mobilepdf

Rose's Treat Article: Love Letter From Jesus by Mrs. White

8x11pdf    Mobilepdf


God-Arranged Marriage

The God-Arranged Marriage 8x11

The God-Arranged Marriage A5

The God-Arranged Marriage A4

The God-Arranged Marriage Booklet


Books Cited

Hudson Taylor: Retrospect

I shared Hudson Taylor's conversion story from this book. That entire book is worth reading.

Hudson Taylor: Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret

This is a complete biography of Hudson Taylor. It contains the chapter cited regarding the spiritual secret that changed his life.

Meade MacGuire: The Life of Victory

This is one of the better books on victory in our history in my opinion. It is a study of Romans and Steps to Christ.

Belle Brain: The Love Life of Famous Christians

This is a marvelous book on the courtships of famous Christians. 

A. W. Spaulding: Makers of the Home

Spaulding was the director of family ministries (modern terminology) at the General Conference in the 1930s and later. This is one of five part series of books that were put together by him. Two of them are in the public domain, all of them are available from the ABC.


More Study Guides on Discipleheart

You will find more than thirty study guides at this page.


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