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Discipleheart Calendar


January 13-18, 2025 Weimar Unversity, California: Revealing God's Glory (While Captive in a Strange Land)

We had a wonderful week. You can find the audio and many resources on the "Weimar" page.

December 8, 2024: Oak Haven Ministry in Pullman, Michigan.

 RoseMarie will be doing food demonstration at the Oak Haven Ministry in Pullman, Michigan.

December 14, 22024: Kentwood SDA Church, Grand Rapids, MI.

Three sessions on Unity.

January 18-25, 2025: Lafayette SDA Church, Lafayette, LA (USA)

Unity Seminar: We will be studying and praying for unity.

February ?, 2025: Salmon Arms, British Columbia, Canada

Unity (not confirmed or date chosen).

Upcoming Appointments


At the present time Rose and I spend most of our time studying, working on the websites and preparing ministry resources. I was also recently video taped for 25 sessions on prayer. So we haven't traveled as much lately, and believe that God has directed in that way. However, we understand far more than we used to, have more to share, and have outside speaking appointments from time to time. We are not shunning them, that just isn't the way that God has led. Frankly we can touch the whole world through the websites in a way that our travels never could. On this page you will see some of the places we have spoken recently as well as up-coming appointments.

When we accept an appointment, we come prepared to share on the desired topic, often have handouts, hope to be able to visit members or seminar attendees as they desire, and pray that God will use our ministry in a great great way.

We solicit your prayers and support for upcoming trips. Only the work accomplished with much prayer will succeed. So we solicit and appreciate your ministry partnership!—Dan


Some Testimonials

"Since Emailing you earlier today , I have been reading at your site... And I must say that it has been a wonderful and enlightening experience . A lot of my questions are being answered , and I'm getting the guidance I was looking for in the reading  . I am also learning more on how to do what I need to do , for myself and for others . I have also been enlightened about things that bewildered my mind , and disheartened my soul ... I have always thought things were a certain way , that everything happens for a reason to each one of us , and that those things happen in their own time ,and that the people places and things in these events with us are who , what when , where , and why God has chosen this for us, and that all of it is to prepare us (the good and the bad) for  what is so beautiful that we cannot even comprehend the magnificence of it...  And my faith is as strong as is my belief in Jesus as my own... A Website Visitor

"The messages were deeply spiritual, yet down-to-earth and practical.... engages the interest of young people as well as the older ones.... One aspect of this week that struck me was the wide variety of people who were attracted to attend, including some whom I would not have expected but who were present night after night.... I will be glad to recommend your ministry...."  Host Pastor

"Dan I can not begin to thank you for your ministry and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Your prayer series here in (our church) has completely changed my life. Through your coaching and the workings of the Holy Spirit I have a spiritual life I have never had…it is refreshing and rewarding to be seeking God’s will each and every day. And while I always want more answers to my prayers…I think God knows what is best and that if He answered every prayer when asked we would miss the deep relationship He is wanting with us." Seminar Attendee

Upcoming Appointments

February 28-March 8, 2025: Salmon Arms, British Columbia, Canada

Unity for the adults, week of prayer for the children in the school. (date being finalized).

Delayed: Lafayette SDA Church, Lafayette, LA (USA)

Unity Seminar: We will be studying and praying for unity.


Past Appointments

These are listed in chronological order, working from the present backwards.

Coloma SDA Church

Christian unity

Fairplain SDA Church

Christian unity

January 13-18, 2025 Weimar Unversity, California: Revealing God's Glory (While Captive in a Strange Land)

We had a wonderful week. You can find the audio and many resources on the "Weimar" page.

December 14, 22024: Kentwood SDA Church, Grand Rapids, MI.

Three sessions on Unity were well received. Handouts were given.

December 8, 2024: Oak Haven Ministry in Pullman, Michigan.

RoseMarie demonstrated a variety of breads at the Oak Haven Ministry in Pullman, Michigan. Zoe help her and somewhat stole the show:)

October 26, 2024: Unionville and Port Sanilac, Michigan - Godhead

Power Point sessions in both churches were well received.

October 9 - 10, 2024: Ponoka SDA Church, Alberta, Canada 

Sessions on Unity and Godhead. These meetings used Power Point presentations for the first time. They have since been used in other venues as well.

October 8, 2024: Rembey SDA Church, Remby, Alberta, Canada

- One session on unity.

October 5, 2024: Smoky Lake SDA Church, Alberta, (Canada) 1.5 hours northwest of Edmonton 

Pursuing Unity

February 23,24, 2024: Advent Hope Church (CA) Loma Linda, CA, 2024.

We shared our story Friday evening, February 23. On February 24 we spoke at the morning service as well as in the afternoon. In the AM I shared Bible-based understandings on how to determine and follow God's way in finding a spouse. At the afternoon session, Bible-based secrets on how to have a happy, God-blessed marriage was shared.

January 20-21, 2024: Thompsonville (IL) SDA Church

The "Will" and God's Way of Victory

Thomsonville, IL

“The Will” And God’s Way Of Victory - Thompsonville (IL) SDA Church On Overcoming Appetite. - January 20, 2024 

Victory over Appetite

January 17, 2024: 3ABN Television Interview

Thompsonville, IL

Path2Prayer Ministry & Godhead Bible Study

Study Guide Godhead Interview 3ABN

Will be broadcast later

Georgia Cumberland Camp Meeting

Five Sessions on the Godhead

Generation of Youth Conference - 2022-23

Phoenix, AZ

Five-part series on fasting.

Michigan Camp Meeting 2023

Five part series on the Fasting

Village SDA Church - 2022

Bread & Spirituality/Prayer

Berrien Springs, MI

Michigan Camp Meeting 2022

Five part series on the Godhead



2020 Hamstead, England (Zoom session)

General Conference Session

Prayer Breakout Session (cancelled due to Pandemic)


Campus Retreat in Wisconsin

Topic: The More Abundant Victorious Life

February 8-10, 2019

Camp Wakonda, Oxford, WI.

Contact: Robert Mosher, 608-218-3307


Calgary Central SDA Church, Calgary, AB Canada

January 18-20, 2018

Living In Times of Judgment

Airdree SDA Church, Calgary, AB Canada

January 26,27 2018

Prevail In Prayer

Olds SDA Church, Olds AB, Canada

February 2,3, 2018

Ponoka SDA Church, Ponoka AB, Canada

February 5,7,9,2018

VIDA, El Suyatel, Honduras

February 14-March 1, 2018

Cicero SDA Church, Cicero, IN, USA

March 3, 2018

Praying Through

Covert SDA, Covert, MI USA

Beholding Christ

Hartford SDA, Hartford, MI USA

Uzziah: 52 Years Then ?


2016 Prayer Conference West Virginia

2016 Core of Adventism Program in England (UK)

    W. Reading Church

    Aberdeen, Scotland

2016 India with Springs of Joy, Life

2016 Alberta, Canada

Additional Past Appointments

2014 Benton Harbor, MI Revival Now

2013 AU Business Department

2013 Twin Peaks SDA, Denver, Colorado

2013 Fairplane SDA, St. Joseph, Michigan

2013 Vida, Honduras (2 weeks teaching on church history and relationships)

2013 Hong Kong taping program for Hope China

2013 Timber Ridge Camp, Indiana Conference Pastors Meeting

2013 Michigan Men of Faith

2013 Mountain View Conference Camp Meeting

2013 Penuel, Washington, DC

2013 Rockingham, NC Week on Revival

2013 Stevensville, MI Revival Weekend


2010 New Zealand, Australia (Melbourne, Perth, Tasmania)

2010 Calgary Central Church, Alberta, Canada

2010 General Conference Session

2010 Hamstead Church, London, UK Two weeks on prayer and righteousness by faith.


2009 Blackfalds, Alberta, Canada

2009 Campus Program, Ann Arbor, Michigan

2009 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


September 19-21, 2008, Logansport, IN

July 31 - August 3, ACTS East, Oshawa, Canada

July 12 Weekend, St. Martens Church, Christchurch, NZ

July 1-6 ASANZ Convention, Wellington, NZ

June 25-28, 2008 Wellington Central Church, Wellington, NZ (Approximate dates)

June 9-15, 2008 South England Conference Camp Meeting, Wales

April 12, 26, May ?, 2008 11 AM Service, Prayer Seminar, Fairplane Church, Benton Harbor, MI

April 4-6, 2008 Prevailing Prayer, Frankfurt, IN 

March 8, 2008 More Abounding Sufficiency, St. Joseph, MI

February 22-23, 2008 Practical Christianity, Canadian University College, Lacombe, AB (Canada)

January 30-February18, 2008 Camp Meeting, Cambodia

January 18-20, 2008 More Abundant Life, South East Youth Conference, Chattanooga, TN

January 11,12, 2008 Prevailing Prayer, Lafayette, IN


January 8 - May 4, 2009 History of Spirituality, Andrews Theological Seminary

December 7,8, 2009 Prevailing Prayer, Coloma, MI.

November 12-14, 2009 CAMPUS, Ann Arbor, MI

November 2,3 (Health & Temperance Weekend) Ann Arbor, M

August, France

July 11-August 3 (4 week intensive on spiritual formation), Andrews Theological Seminary

July 3-8 ASANZ Retreat, Wellington, NZ

June 27-July 1 Bishopdale, Christchurch, NZ

June 23 St. Martins, Christchurch, NZ

June 10-16 Papanui Church Christchurch, NZ

June 1,2 Dargaville, NZ

May 29,30 Maori Church, 71 Skipton Road, Mangere, NZ

May 23, 25,26 Pakuranga Church, Auckland NZ

May 18,19 Royal Oak, Auckland, NZ
May 18, 7 PM The People God Uses to Bring Revival
May 19, 11 AM The Messages God Uses to Bring Revival
May 19, 2 PM The Prayers that God Honors to Bring Revival

April 5-8 ACTS Conferrence, Vancouver, BC Canada
    Six seminars on prayer and the devotional experience.

Attaining a Vibrant Daily Relationship with God
Temptations & Your Assurance of Salvation
Dying to Self and the Purpose of Trials
Finding the Secret of Victory
Discovering God’s Purpose for your Life
The Witnessing Lifestyle

March 23,24, Maranatha Conference, Tornonto Canada
    Three session Prayer Workshop

Attending: Deuba, Fiji, Pastor's Retreat, 2/18,19

February 17 Suva South, English
February 14,15 Naqarawai (Namosi area)

February 12,13 Kalekana Church, Suva, Fiji

February 6-10 Tamavua Church, Fiji
    Prayer Focus
    Info: Tabua Tuima

January 28-February 3 North Harbour Church, Auckland, New Zealand
    Prayer Outreach

January 21-27 Glen Innes Church, Auckland
    Prayer Focus

January 14-20 Family Camp, Tui Ridge, New Zealand
    Prayer Focus

December 23, Divine Service, St. Joseph, MI

November 17,18, Edwardsburg, MI
    Weekend of Prayer

November 18,19, Prevailing Prayer, ARISE, Troy, MI

November 4 Week of Prayer, Midland, MI

October 28-November 3 Week of Prayer, Mt. Pleasant, MI


October 20,21, 2006: The More Abundant Life, Ann Arbor Church, Ann Arbor, MI

October 15-19, 2006: Personal Spirituality, CAMPUS Ann Arbor, MI

August 17-20, 2006: Family Camp, Camp Au Sable, Grayling, MI

August 11, 2006: Worship Service, St. Joseph Church

July 14-16, 2006: Prayer Weekend, Auckland, New Zealand (hosted by Royal Oak Church)

June 27-July 2,2006: Young Adult Retreat, Wellington, New Zealand

June 12-18,2006: Camp Meeting, Southern England (Wales, England)

June 7, 2006: SEEDS Church Planting Conference, Berrien Springs, MI

April 24-May 15, 2006: (Multiple Locations) New Zealand 
•Revival, Auckland, NZ: May 8-13
•Youth Church, Long Burn College, NZ: May 6
•Youth "Jive" Church, Longburn College, NZ: May 5, 7:30 PM
•Chapel, Longburn College, NZ: May 4
•Youth/Adults, Palmerston North Church, NZ: May 2,3
•Youth Week of Prayer/Rally Wellington, NZ: April 24-29

April 5-23, 2006: April Multiple Locations, Fiji 
•Pastor's Meetings, Fiji, April 5-7
•Week of Prayer, Fulton College: April 9-14
•Tertiary Students: April 14-17
•Area Churches, Fiji, April 18-23

March 31- April 1, 2006: Alberta Men of Faith, Alberta, Canada

Reckless or Devoted: Standing Tall in the Real World

Friday PM: Reckless Enthusiasm or Zealous Devotion?

Sabbath AM: Reckless Profession or Confessed Devotion?

Sabbath Church: Reckless Water-Walking or Devoted Obedience? 

Sabbath PM: Reckless Denial or Persevering Devotion? 

Sunday AM: Reckless Capitulation or Devoted Submission? 

March 24-26,2006: Prayer Coodinators' Retreat, Alberta, Canada

March 4, 2006: Pau France

February 17-19, 2006: Prayer Series, Johnstown, RI Info: (401) 822 3345

January 4-14, 2006: St. Joseph, MI Info: (269) 473 3688
"Ten Days of Blessings"

a. I will be leaving Oct. 12 for three weeks in
Alberta, presenting a series on the More Abundant Life
at CUC, and speaking on prayer at other churches in
that conference.
b. November 14-18 I give the week of prayer at
Battle Creek Academy; I also speak in Chicago and in
Grand Blanc on other weekends in November
c. December 3, I commence a week of prayer in
Midland, MI, and at the end of the month I speak at
the General Youth Conference in Chattanooga.

A prayer request sent out in 2005

December 28 - January 1, 2006, General Youth Conference, Chattanooga, TN,
Practical Christianity

December 8, 2005 "Getting Back in the Boat, Mt. Pleasant, MI
December 3-7, 2005: Week of Prayer, Midland, MI
December 2, 2005: University Students, Mt. Pleasant, MI

November 18-20, 2005: Revival, Grand Blanc, MI
November 14-18, 2005: Week of Prayer, Battle Creek Academy, Battle Creek, MI
November 11,12, 2005: Weekend Revival, Chicago (Northbrook), IL
October 12-November 3, 2005: Multiple Churches, Alberta, Canada
October 13-15, 2005: Canadian University College, Alberta
September 3, 2005: Mt. Pleasant, MI
August 27 - September 2, 2005: Week of Prayer, Holland, MI
June 22 - 27, 2005: International SEEDS Plus Conference, Berrien Springs, MI 
June 9,10, 2005: Weekend on Prayer & Revival, Kirksville, Macon, Columbia, St. Joseph, MO
June 1, 2005: Taping segments at 3ABN
May: Taping segment for Scriptural Pursuits, The Hope Channel
April 23 - 29, 2005: Prayers of the More Abundant Life Series, Fletcher, NC
February 18, 19, 2005: More Abundant Life Revival Series, Alpena, MI
February 19 - 27, 2005: "No Limit Christian" and Prayer, CAUC, LaCombe, Alberta
February 6 - 12, 2005: Learning To Pray Series, Grasonville, MD
January 24 - 29, 2005: More Abundant Life Series, Campus Ministry Program, Ann Arbor, MI
January 22, 23, 2005: More Abundant Life Weekend Seminar Manistee, MI
January 9 - 15, 2005: Week Studying Revival St. Joseph, MI

November 6 - 13, 2004: More Abundant Life Series, Bakersfield, CA
August, 2004: More Abundant Life Series, Urbandale, MI

July, 2004: More Abundant Life Series, PMC, Berrien Springs, MI
June 2004: More Abundant Life Series, Michigan Camp Meeting
April 2004: More Abundant Life Series, Toledo, OH


Directory List

Next Appointment

Upcoming Appointments