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Health and Healthy Living

3 John 1:2 (NKJV) 2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.


This is the beginning of what will eventually be a very important page on discipleheart.com. Health is foundational to all aspects of life, including our walk with Jesus. Accordingly, we will be adding articles and other information as we come across helpful information.


“The Will” And God’s Way Of Victory - Thompsonville (IL) SDA Church On Overcoming Appetite. - January 20, 2024 

This is an exceedingly important page containing a seminar held in Thompsonville, IL, on overcoming appetite, and the accompanying study guide resources and study materials presented. It is in the righteousness by faith section, however it very much applies to health and healthy living. 


Vegan, Mostly Plant-Based Recipes

These are vegan recipes except for the use of a little honey which some people say comes from animals and therefore renders them non-vegan. I don't agree.


On this page you will find a few recipes that we have created. I believe they are excellent and others think so too. Find a wonderful, low-fat, recipe for mayonnaise, for example, or a recipe for plant-based waffles that is just as good or better than the alternative. Learn about how to cook beans in an exceedingly simple way and get a result that is delicious and greatly loved. We will be adding more here as well.


Bible Promises For Health And Healing

On this page you will find many Bible promises to claim when praying for the sick. 


Healing and Praying for the Sick

On this page you will learn about healing and how we should pray for the sick. Consisting of an article by Ellen White found in Counsels on Health, it is very instructive on the subject.


Compilations on Health

Shall We Pray For The Sick

This booklet shares many helpful quotations on praying for the sick.

Shall We Pray For The Sick 8x11

Shall We Pray For The Sick A5

Shall We Pray For The Sick A4

Shall We Pray For The Sick Booklet


The Will And Healing

This booklet considers the role of the will in promoting good health.

The Will And Healing 8x11

The Will And Healing A5

The Will And Healing A4

The Will And Healing Booklet


Health, Healing And Health Reform Quotations

On this page you will quotations on various aspects of the health message, healing and health reform.


Healthy Living Questions Answered

On this page you will eventually find answers to many questions on health. This will be an ongoing work in progress!



Beer, Tea and Coffee

In this article from 1887 Ellen White makes a strong call for people to sign the "pledge" relative to beer, tea and coffee, and speaks in no uncertain terms of the dangers of these substances which she referred to as "nerve-weakening" narcotics. 


Quit Smoking!

God's Five Minute Plan To Quit Smoking

This is a plan I first heard about when Leo Schreven was holding meetings in the church I was attending. I know from personal experience that some of the people attending succeeded with this plan. 


Overcoming Depression

The Role of Praise in Overcoming Depression

You will find a very helpful testimonial on overcoming on this page.


Controlling Diabetes (Type 1)

On this pave you will find a testimonial on a natural way to control Type 1 Diabetes


The Miracle Power of Water

Learn how water made a blessed change in my wife's life.


A Simple Remedy for Severe Menstrual Cramps

We discovered this secret when we were holding meetings in Mauritius. Rose has used the method since 2014 and it has been a wonderful blessing. Rose had experienced severe cramps most of her life—really bad!!!—and I used to dread dread the time. But after God helped her discover the simple remedy, I hardly know anything is going on. I don't know if it works for anyone else, but it works for her. The method is cheap and has worked for many years now. I hope it works for other women too.


Notes From The Spanish Influenza (Spanish Flu) Of 1918

On this page you will find instructive documents published on the epidemic of 1918, and the disease process, treatments, outcomes, etc.


Web Links With Helpful Information

Uchee Pines Counseling Sheets

Uchee Pines has a wonderful array of resources on natural remedies that should definitely be shared widely. Rose and I look at these frequently.

Weimar University (Formerly Weimar Institute)

You will find information about the Nedley Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program™ program here, as well as the NEWSTART Lifestyle Program.


This is a Facebook group that is exceedingly helpful. I follow them on a regular basis.

Revive Health Education

This is one of the nicer websites I have seen so far as presentation and comprehensive nature of the materials presented. One to visit for sure!

Health reThink

This ministry is based in South Africa. I watched two of their videos and appreciated both of them.


YouTube Links

The Renovation Project

This is a project that comes from Health reThink of South Africa. Rose and I watched the firsts video made and were very pleased. We think you will be blessed in knowing about them.



The Discipleheart Newsletters

We are pleased to offer two newsletters at this time to our visitors.

The Discipleheart Ministry Newsletter provides ongoing information practical spirituality—prayer, the victorious life, revival, overcoming temptation, the Will, partaking of the divine nature, etc, as well as notices of new additions and information related to our ministry—upcoming seminars, new study guides, etc.

The Discipleheart Parenting Newsletter provides timely information from the writings of Ellen White on the subject of parenting. I have found more than 200 articles, many of which are wonderful. 

Contact Us. You can click on the link below to write us as well. You may write us because you want a specific resource or have another question.

Click for the Discipleheart Ministry Newsletter​​​​​​​

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