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MedMissionary Christian Unity Interview

February 15, 2025

This page contains resources referenced in the interview on Christian unity, one of the most needed reforms for any church wanting to receive the full impartation of the Holy Spirit. 


The MedMissionary YouTube Link

This is the link for my presentation with Joyce Chou. It went on for almost two hours. I will try to be shorter next time. Here is the MedMissionary Unity Keynote pdf.

Unity Study Guides 

MedMissionary Large Print Handouts

These are based on the study guides that were used at Michigan Camp Meeting, but made with a larger font to make it easier to read on mobile devices.

• Seminar 1-3 Handout:  Unity 1-3 8x11 pdf    Unity 1-3  A5 pdf  Unity 1-3  A4 pdf

In this seminar I talked about uniting to Christ for conversion, a necessary element in seeking unity, uniting to each in answering Christ's plea for unity, and appreciating the God-planned diversity found in the church.

• Seminar 4-5 Handout:  Unity 4-5 8x11 pdf     Unity 4-5 A5 pdf  Unity 4-5  A4 pdf

This document covers challenges between various nationalities, caste and cultures/colors, as well as how God wants to overcome disunity and bring about unity. I continue to study the latter part of it and have found some key documents in this regard.

GYC Christian Unity Booklet

This booklet was handed out at GYC. I am particularly fond of the epub documents, especially the expanded one that includes information on a vision regarding a church visited by the Saviour. This booklet includes quite a few case studies to consider that were not included in the original booklet.

8x11 PDF     A5 PDF     A4 PDF     Booklet PDF     Epub Doc     Expanded Epub Doc


Key Ellen White Articles On Christian Unity

Union With Christ Booklet - Ellen White

I like to hand out this booklet on the blessings that come when we unite with Christ.

8x11 PDF     A5 PDF     A4 PDF     Booklet PDF     MobilePDF     Epub Doc     

That They All May Be One - Ellen White

This article, found in the Signs of the Times, February 7, 1900 answers many questions on what church unity is all about. I wish every member would read this article.

An Historic Call For Christian Unity In Working In New York City - Ellen White

This highly important letter on the subject  includes multiple quotes from the angel visitor speaking on the need for unity, as well as giving specific direction on how that unity can be achieved, including fasting and praying and assembling together to seek harmony. This should be read by churches who are seeking unity.

Letter 26, 1900: Church Unity and the Covenant Of Agreement - EllenWhite

Letter 26, 1900 is the best document I have found on how God can bring harmony to the disparate members of the church.