In preparation for a five session seminar on Christian Unity I carefully read and annotated most of the more than 90 sermons listed. If they are listed, with few exceptions, there is something noteworthy about unity in each one. The seminar was given in June of 2024 at Michigan Camp Meeting. The audio and related handouts will eventually be posted here.
The Unity Seminar prepared by Dan Augsburger of Path2prayer Ministries has been presented at Michigan Camp Meeting, as well as numerous churches. In preparing, time-consuming research took place, including studying more than 120 articles, letters and manuscripts, as well as other documents and books. The seminar includes only a small portion of the more than 220 pages of notes that were collected. Handouts have been prepared for these seminars which can be found online. In this seminar I endeavored to show:
1. We have been called to a unity as close as that of Christ’s with Father.
2. This unity is the strongest evidence of Christ’s divinity.
3. This unity is only possible as we live united to Christ.
4. This unity is found in diversity in many settings, including the home, the church and institutions.
5. Unity is not the same as uniformity.
6. Unity does not destroy individuality.
7. Unity requires much reshaping and molding of our lives.
8. Success requires a commitment to dwell in harmony with others.
These documents are listed in a manner of my own devising to minimize duplicates. It includes the name of the book or manuscript, the first page number (or letter/manuscript number followed by date), White and a close approximation of title, if not the exact title. The best way to find the documents is to look up the book and the page number.
1SAT 194 White Unity The Great Fruit Of Conversion----.docx
1SM 257 White No Caste in Christ---.docx
1SM 385 White Making Room For Christ --.docx
1T 253 White The North and the South - Civil War Not Good ---.pdf
2SM 485 White Equality of Believers --- .docx
3MR 10 White Counsel Regarding the Work in England - unity in diversity --.docx
4T 16 White Unity of the Church --.docx
4T 221 White Necessity of Harmony - Self-Exaltation removes God’s Blessing ----.docx
5T 217 White An Appeal & Christian Unity ---.docx
8T 239 White One with Christ in God - John 17 and Blending --- KEY DOCUMENT
9T 184 White Unity in Christ Jesus (Having Separate Work For Various Nationalities Is Not God’s Plan) ---.docx
15MR 345 White European Missionary Council --.docx
17MR 341 White Evil of Gossiping About Fellow Church Members - Practical On Dealing With It.docx
19MR 67 White Unity in Home and Church.docx
19MR 142 White Pained Over Systematic Discord -.docx
21MR 48 White Thoughts On Unity --.docx
1883GC1 RH March 4, 1884 White Unity in Christ - Confession .docx
1883GC8 RH June 3, 1884 White Love Among Brethren - Unity --- b.docx
1888 1087 White Love, the Need of the Church ----.docx
CCh 287 White Christians in All the World Become One in Christ ---.docx
CentralAdvance February 25, 1903 White Power for Service - unity in service.docx
GCB April 2, 1903 White Unity Of Effort --.docx
GCB April 25,1901 White Working in Foreign Fields - diversity, youth --.docx
HS 124 White Unity Among Laborers ---.docx
HS 211 White Issues in the Christiania Church - faultfinding critical attitude -- copy.pdf
KC 108 White Faithful Stewardship - unity in stewardship.docx
Lt6-1899 White Brethren and Sisters in Ballarat Camp Meeting - Spirituality of Newcastle C.M.---.pdf KEY DOCUMENT
Lt6b-1890 White Brethren and Sisters in Africa - Unity Humility Witnessing ----.docx
Lt8-1900 White Murphet, E. - Theocracy ----.docx
Lt11-1887 White Burke Letter of 1887 On Unity In The Church ---.docx
Lt12-1910 White Leaders in the Maine Conference - Coming into unity though differences --.docx
Lt 18a-1891 Lt 18b, 1891 White - Unity - Wife is treasure ---.docx
Lt19-1901 White Letter 19, 1901 to E. E. Franke - Lording over other people -- copy.docx
Lt24-1862 White Ross Letter Pro Slavery -.pdf
Lt25b-1892 White Smith, Uriah - Hardened Positions Bringing Disunity.docx
Lt26-1900 White Brother Hyatt Lt26-1900 - church membership -----.docx KEY DOC
Lt29-1889 White Buckner, Brother and Sister Lt29-1889 - of what is unity ---.docx
Lt 33-1891 White [Those] Assembled in Camp Meeting - Avoid controversy -- .docx
Lt49-1904 White The Secret of Unity - Family --.docx
Lt54-1901 White Edson White Letter LT54-1901 Peacemaking
Lt58-1895 White Olsen, O. A. - No Risking Accusations - Unity in seeking direction ----
Lt60-1907 White Southern Union Conference Committee - Unity of people of various skills to advance the work --.docx
Lt64-1894 White Olsen - Funds Raised for Australia Diverted To Press ---.docx
Lt78-1894 White Starr, Brother and Sister - Unity developed on practical basis ---.docx
Lt92-1895 White White, J. E.; White, Emma Responding to Others ---.pdf KEY DOC
Lt94-1908 White Haskell Lt94-1908 - Unity thoughts --.docx
Lt95-1902 White Kilgore, R. M. - Tree Lessons Unity ---.docx
Lt98-1902 White churches and companies in Greater New York - Fasting, KEY DOC
Lt112-1907 b White the directors of the Nashville etc - In diversity, unity is to be preserved .pdf
Lt117-1899 White Edson White Letter On Relationships ---.docx KEY DOCUMENT
Lt121-1898 White Haskell, Brother and Sister - Perfection Self —-.docx
Lt130-1898 White Cause of Perplexity Letter to S. N. Haskell 1898 ---.docx
Lt132-1910 White Cottrell, H. W. Unity Giving Up Ideas ---.docx
Lt161-1904 White Contention Butler 1904 Letter –
Lt183-1901 White Theocracy Letter - Theocracy --- KEY DOCUMENT
MR10 67 b White Unity in the Home and in the Church.docx.docx
Ms 1, 1903 White Making John 17 the Daily Lesson of Our Lives --.docx
Ms1-1873 White Dreams Illustrating Unity of Action - Individuals did not stay by their machines --.docx
Ms1-1899 White Unity, Courtesy, Love - Family and Church unity and witness to world --
Ms 2, 1880 White Modern Stoning System ---.docx
Ms3-1861 White Testimony for Mill Grove N.Y. Church - Faultfinding, untidy ---.pdf
Ms7-1896 White Treatment of Colored Race – Equal, no intermarriage --.pdf
Ms9-1906 White Unity in Christ - Conversion ---.docx
Ms16-1901 White Made Perfect in One.docx
Ms24-1892 White Love, the Need of the Church ---.docx KEY DOCUMENT
Ms29-1906 White That They All May Be One - Example of Christ’s Intercession - Unity --
Ms32-1887 White Vision at Vohwinkel - Relationships ----.docx
Ms39-1896 White Make Straight Paths For Your Feet - unity --.docx
Ms47-1902 White Lessons From the Eighteenth of Matthew ---.docx KEY DOCUMENT
Ms60-1898 White How the Echo Office Should be Regarded - unity for what is right --
Ms60-1903 White Unity in the Home and in the Church ---.docx
Ms66-1897 White Vine and the Branches Unity Nourishment --- hlt .docx
Ms67-1910 White Errors and Dangers of Elders Prescott and Daniells - Unity Making corrections not of God.docx
Ms73-1903 White The Color Line --.docx
Ms75-1895 White Results of Refusing the Invitation - Family Unity ---.docx
Ms77-1903 (9T 213-221) White The Color Line ---.docx
Ms89-1898 White How Oft Shall I Forgive My Brother - watchman see eye to eye.docx
Ms94-1898 White Unity of the Spirit - Christ the Cornerstone ----.docx
Ms94-1904 The Sin of Evil Speaking - pledge needed against fault-finding ---- KEY DOC
Ms105-1900 White Unity in Diversity ---.docx
Ms107-1908 White The Color Line best ---.docx
Ms111-1903.1 White That They May Be One; As We Are One --.docx
Ms119-1906 White Talk at Pacific Press Chapel Unity Partaker ---.docx
Ms129-1901 White Continuation of the Situation in the Southern Field - Edson unity no fault-finding ----.docx (Edson) KEY DOCUMENT
Ms133-1907 White One Is Your Master, Even Christ - Lording over others, pretending to know for others ---.docx KEY DOCUMENT
Ms135-1901 White Union and Organization - Complete ---.docx
Ms139-1909 White Fruit-Bearing Branches hlt ----.pdf
Ms143-1903 White Unity - One of the best on unity ----.docx KEY DOC
Ms147-1902 White An Appeal for More Earnest Effort ---.docx
Ms158-1907 White Unity In Council Meetings - having many in the decision process ---
Ms162-1902 White Ministry is Ordained of God - contention brings a dearth of spirituality
Ms165-1898 White Unity a Test of Discipleship ---.docx
Ms182-1905 White The Christian Life - Unity is God’s Purpose For Us ---.docx
Ms196-1907 White Interview on Work in South Color Key ----.pdf
PH117 9 White Object of the College; Teachers in Our College ---.docx
Ph117 20 and PH117 41 White Important Testimony to Uriah Smith - Another to Battle Creek Church ----.docx
PH078 54 White Appeal and Instruction On Working In Southern Field----.pdf
PH078 54 White Appeal and Instruction On Working In Southern Field----.pdf
PP 517.4 White Reubenites and Unity - Resolving differences --.docx
PUR December 29, 1904 White To Every Man His Work --.docx
PUR July 3 1902 White I Am Glorified in Them---.pdf
PUR March 26, 1903 White Unity of Action Essential - Blessings of Unity ---.docx
RH August 12, 1884 White Unity and Love --
RH December 3, 1895 White Appeal for the South – All equal – Confused Worship --.pdf
RH December 22, 1891 White No Caste In Christ ---.docx
RH December 30, 1902 White An Appeal for More Earnest Effort - ---
RH February 16, 1911 White The Seven Deacons
RH January 25, 1887 White Unity of the Church --
RH July 2, 1889 White Secret Of Unity ---.docx
RH July 4, 1899 hite God’s Design for His People - Unity --.docx
RH July 27, 1911 White Love One Another --.docx
RH June 5, 1888 White Love One Another -- Same as RH July 27, 1911.docx
RH June 16, 1885 White Unity of the Church.docx
RH May 18, 1905 White The Unity of the Spirit (Confession).docx
RH May 29, 1888 White Be of One Mind - Make sure those sent out know truth --.docx
RH November 24 1904 A Preparation for the Coming of the Lord.pdf
RH October 24, 1893 White Brotherly Love Needed --.docx
SpM 362 White The Necessity of Harmony.pdf
ST April 13, 1891 White That They May Be One.docx
ST February 7, 1900 White That They All May Be One ----.docx KEY DOCUMENT
ST June 19, 1901 White Christ’s Prayer for Us - unity Sacred Brotherhood.docx
ST May 17, 1883 White Church’s Great Need - revival unity ----.docx
ST November 14, 1892 White Sacred Duties of Home Life - unity in home --- copy.docx
ST September 19, 1900 White The Need of Unity --.docx
SW 54 White “Am I My Brother’s Keeper”--.pdf
SW February 2, 1904 White One with Christ in God ---- 2024b.pdf KEY DOCUMENT
SWk 9 White Our Duty to Colored People key ----.docx
SWk 51 White Spirit and Life for the Colored People.docx
SWk 72 White Proper Methods of Work in the Southern Field ---.docx
T25 181 White Leadership - Christ is great leader.docx
Website: Unity section: