On this page you will find Bible verses, a few quotations and introductory comments that you will find helpful in learning about righteousness by faith. Further down this main page on righteousness by faith you will find a long list of questions that are answered. Be sure to go through these answers, for carefully researched studies are found that sometimes number in more than 100 pages.
Here is a brief excerpt from the introductory page:
"The experience of righteousness by faith brings a new longing for God, gives a new standing with God, provides a new connection with God through Christ, brings "right-doing" by faith, enables a new victory that comes as a result of the presence of Christ in a person's life through the instrumentality of the Holy Spirit, and brings about an overall transformation that is so complete, that it is described as an impenetrable fortress."
On this page you will find the resources reverenced and used during this week of prayer at Weimar.
Here are resources from the trip to Bolivia
By clicking on the link you will come a page with resources used in preparing and giving the seminar.
This is a six part series on transformation taped with Tim Rumsey at Pathway to Paradise Ministries in Lake of the Ozarks, MO. You will find the handouts on this page.
The questions are listed below. Click the links to find the answers. This is some of the most important information on this website.
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This is a condensed version of a longer compilation made on the victorious life that comes through the righteousness of Christ. I use both a shorter and longer version in seminars. This reflects many years of study and is very helpful.
Crown Or Crucify
I STOOD alone at the bar of God,
In the hush of the twilight dim,
And faced the question that pierced my heart:
"What will you do with Him?"
"Crowned or crucified—which shall it be?"
No other choice was offered me.
I looked on the face so marred with tears
That were shed in His agony.
The look in His kind eyes broke my heart,—
'Twas full of love for me.
"The crown or the cross," it seemed to say;
"For or against Me—choose thou today."
He held out His loving hands to me,
While He pleadingly said, "Obey.
Make Me thy choice, for I love thee so;
"And I could not say Him nay.
Crowned, not crucified, this must it be;
No other way was open to me.
I knelt in tears at the feet of Christ,
In the hush of the twilight dim,
And all that I was, or hoped, or thought,
Surrendered unto Him.
Crowned, not crucified, my heart shall know
No king but Christ, who loveth me so.
Learn how to abide in the "True and Living Vine"—Christ— as a "True and Living Branch," and experience the blessings, on this page dedicated to super abundant victorious and fruit-bearing Christian living! Probably studying what it means to abide in Christ as the "vine" through the study of real vines and branches in the farmer's vineyard is one of the easiest ways to learn about righteousness by faith.
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The text is from a booklet put together on victory. In the text you will learn about the victory that is possible, our inability to overcome in our own strength, the righteousness that Christ's death supplies that gives us new standing before God, the means by which God brings about transformation, dying to self, receiving Christ's righteous victory as our own, etc. There is much to read and ponder. Your life will be different as a result of studying this page.
The earthly sanctuary revealed God's plan of redemption and righteousness by faith to the people of the Old Testament in symbols. Learn more about the sanctuary on this page.
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In addition to sermons by Ellen White on righteousness by faith, addresses are also included by Carlyle B. Haynes, Meade MacGuire, etc.
You will find one of my favorite sermons series: "Like Jesus," which I shared at the Fairplain SDA Church in Benton Harbor, Michigan. The series is all about what it means to be like Jesus as result of the righteousness that comes from Christ. We had a wonderful time together.
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There are thousands of wonderful quotes on righteousness by faith and various aspects of that experience. This will be a work in progress.
On this page you will find many quotations on the nature of Christ.
The questions are listed below. Click the links to find the answers. This is some of the most important information on this website.
On this page you will find a variety of Seventh-day Adventist authors and speakers speaking on righteousness by faith. Included are people like Carlyle B. Haynes, Meade MacGuire and Frank Phillips.
Written Sermons On Righteousness By FaithAudio Sermons On Righteousness By Faith
Righteousness By Faith Quotations
Righteousness By Faith Questions Answered