Thousands of free resources are available to Seventh-day Adventist members, many of which are virtually unknown. For example, more than 7,000 issues of the Review are available for downloading. There are hundreds of free books, free Bible Studies, etc. Unfortunately many Seventh-day Adventists are unacquainted with these resources, do not know where to find them, or do not spell English well enough to find them. Accordingly I share many of the more important sites that will prove helpful in your walk with Jesus.
Some wonderful resources are NOT free but you need to know about them. For example, one of the best commentaries on Revelation is almost impossible to find in print form, though available, and the forthcoming Ladder of Life books for children.
This is the main site of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Most of the departments have a web page and often provide helpful resources.
This is the flagship magazine of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Here you can sign up for their ongoing newsletter, subscribe to the print version, or download pdfs of past issues.
This is a key site on revival in our church. Many resources are available here.
This is a plan that is based on reading through the Testimonies.
This is the Biblical research arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. On their site you will find many helpful articles on the beliefs and practices of Seventh-day Adventists.
This a very large resource on all things Adventist. The Encyclopedia will eventually have more than 8,000 articles, with accompanying photographs, media and original documents. This is a free resource which will be constantly update.
This is the official site of the White Estate. It is a source of much written and audio information—an ocean of information!— and must become a regular part of your internet browsing.
This is a wonderful resource of more than 100,000 pages of Ellen G. White's writings here, as well as the writings of other important writers of earlier years in the church. If you click on the little box at the end of each quote, you will find where the same quote is translated into other languages.
When you sign on the website these days, you will come to a new page that looks very different and works very differently. To be frank with you, I haven't figured out how to use it really yet, but hope to eventually. HOWEVER!!!! on the top you will find some things to click on. One of them over on the right will take you back to the legacy egwwritings site that is so helpful for research. I searched and searched to find a way to access the former site and eventually succeeded. Here is the link to the legacy site:
This is a wonderful dramatized history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. You can find links to purchase the series of 117 stores, or links for downloading stories for free. Children love listening to them as well.
This is a wonderful site for audio readings of Ellen White's books. The author is from Australia or New Zealand, and does a wonderful job in reading the books. There are also helpful sound effects. Books read include the The Desire of Ages, The Great Controversy, Patriarchs and Prophets, and Ministry of Healing. The audio comes from AudioVerse.
This organization owns and operates important historic sites that are significant to the development of the SDA Church. The sites are located in Michigan, Maine, and New York. Should you be traveling in these states and have the time, be sure to visit the sites. The organization's website also provides helpful resources on individual people and events in our history.
Here is a veritable ocean of information and resources that could provide sufficient reading material to last multiple "lifetimes" of deeply spiritual reading. For example, you can find more than seven thousand issues of the Review and Herald. I am grateful that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has made these resources available to members and others anywhere in the world. I only share links for magazines, books and Sabbath School Quarterlies, but there are many more.
Here you will find thousands of issues of the various periodicals published by the church from the beginning. For example there are more than 7,000 issues of the Review and Herald on line that you can download to read in pdf format. There are many more magazines than the ones listed. This is but a small sampling, but I think they are the more important ones.
It is exceedingly challenging to find articles by specific people in the periodicals because there are so many. However, an index of those articles has been put together which can be found at this link. You will also find an index to Adventist obituaries. There are other places to find lists, but they are limited. For example, on this website you can find a list of more than 150 articles of Meade MacGuire who was one of the leading writers on righteousness by faith. Click on this link to find the articles of Pastor MacGuire: A List Of More Than 150 Articles of Meade MacGuire
There are more than 7,000 issues available here.
There are more than 3,500 issues available of the Signs here.
There are more than 5,200 issues of the Record here.
There are more than 470 issues of the Bible Echo & Signs here. It was an early publication in England.
This was the publication of the Haskel's when they were working in New York City. There are many good articles here. You will find more than 200 issues.
Here you will find more than 400 issues of the bulletins published in connection with the General Conference sessions.
Good Health was published by The Western Health-Reform Institute, (Health Institute), and Health Publishing, Battle Creek Sanitarium. Includes unpublished articles from James White, Ellen G. White, John Harvey Kellogg and other Adventist Pioneers. You will find 481 issues on the Internet Archive from 1866 to 1942.
This is a little known source of wonderful practical articles on health and other practical subjects that were published to reach non-members. It is also a wonderful source of articles on raising children. You will find more than 480 issues.
The Life Boat magazine was an early magazine on health. You will find more than 300 issues here. Many forgotten natural remedies are found in these magazines.
The Madison Survey was published by the Madison School of Madison, TN, and includes articles of E. A. Sutherland and others. Issues start in 1919, and continue to 1962. Madison was founded by E. A. Sutherland and Percy Magan, the latter later going to work at what eventually became Loma Linda University.
The Medical Evangelist, was the journal published by the College of Evangelists, then the College of Medical Evangelists and finally Loma Linda University. Publication began in June 1908 and continued through June 1962. volumes 1 through 9 (1908-1923) are digitized. Sutherland references the magazine as a wonderful source of information. Click on this link to download the "Anti-Meat Issue of December, 1922.
You will find more than 1,000 issues of Ministry Magazine here.
Here is a wonderful publication for youth. More than 4,450 issues are available.
The updated online app is really nice. You get the Sabbath School quarterly in various normal, easy reader, other editions, Bible lookup of verses in several versions, Ellen White helps, etc. Download from Google Play or Apple App Store.
You can find most of the Sabbath School Quarterlies that were ever published. What a resource for teachers and Sabbath School leaders.
Past Sabbath School Quarterlies
If you cannot make it to your own Sabbath School you can find excellent online Sabbath Schools.
This is the Hope Channel Sabbath School hosted by Derek Morris.
This is the Sabbath School of Amazing Facts
This is called a Sabbath School, and is, but is also a conservative church service connected with the main church of Loma Linda University. The Sabbath School brings in wonderful speakers. AdventHOPE is led by volunteers who are students and young professionals—some older ones too—associated with Loma Linda University or other entities in that area.
You can find more than 100 books that are available for free as downloads. Some of them are priceless, like Froom's Conditionalist Faith Of Our Fathers, etc.
This is a wonderful resource of books that can be downloaded for free in a variety of formats ( EPUB, MOBI and PDF), listened to, or purchased as printed books. You will find virtually all of the books any of our pioneers ever wrote.
This site has many documents unavailable elsewhere on our pioneers and our history.
This is the research center based at Andrews University.
Another source of many documents and books.
Here you will find many of the issues of the journal read by many of our theologians.
This is a virtual library of educational and other resources prepared for use in schools in the Inter-American Division, of all levels, in multiple languages. Teachers and students enrolled in schools may obtain access to this treasure trove of resources.
This is a wonderful site of evangelistic videos of various kinds that originates out of Australia.
This is one of the best training sites that I am aware of on the internet. This is a wonderful resource. Take advantage of it. It comes from the conservative Gateway Church in Australia that was founded by Johnny Wong.
This is a wonderful resource of videos, evangelistic sermons and books—manuals on lay evangelism, dealing with problematic texts, gaining decisions—by a master soul-winner. Pastor Torres and his wife have been soul-winning for 53 years and make that knowledge available through this site on AWR.
3ABN is a family of networks that cater various language and cultural groups in addition to the English television station.
There are Hope Channel media ministries in various places of the world. You will find many helpful programs to watch.
This is the video channel of the Review and Herald Magazine.
This is the website of the Breath of Life Television Ministry.
This is one of the 3ABN network streams.
Mission Spotlight is a great source of video on mission service in many parts of the world. Our church often uses a mission spotlight video at the beginning of our Sabbath School Service.
Adventist Frontier Missions (AFM) seeks to establish indigenous Seventh-day Adventist church-planting movements among unreached people groups. Here you will find mission videos of various lengths.
ASI is a membership-based organization of Seventh-day Adventist laypeople who are enthusiastic about actively participating in the church’s worldwide mission: to spread the gospel of Christ to the world. This unique and diverse group of members ranges from business owners to individual professionals to supporting ministries. Find videos of reports and meetings here.
Laymen's Ministries supports mission projects and missionaries around the world. They currently work in 8 different countries with a wide range of mission projects — such as building schools for indigenous children in various countries, running an orphanage in India, operating an aviation-based medical clinic in Vanuatu, teaching health and hygiene along with the Gospel message to people in Nepal, operating prison ministries in Romania and The Philippines, and TV production both in India and here in the United States. You will find their YouTube channel here.
Light Unshackled is a feature-length, on-location documentary on the Protestant Reformation. It contains stunning footage and powerful stories of the heroes of the Protestant Reformation who shaped the course of history forever.
North England Conference (NEC) Youth Department’s latest initiative: a series called Lineage, showcasing sites of historical relevance. Launched in 2017, the videos are aimed primarily at young people, and take the viewer on a journey tracing our spiritual DNA across the British Isles and Europe. Each 3-5 minute episode highlights a key moment in Christian history; from early Celtic churches nestled in the serenity of remote Scottish islands, to figures such as Wycliffe, Luther, Calvin, Knox and Wesley. The series consists of 52 episodes, with one being released each week on social media channels including Facebook and YouTube.
Real people are making an impact for Christ all over the world, in their hometowns or across the ocean. Join us each week on an adventure around the world to witness the exciting growth of the Gospel message. From stories about villages transformed by a church building to profiles on volunteers who have put missions at the center of their lives, Maranatha Mission Stories celebrates the transforming power of service. Here is another link of mission stories
ASAP Ministries is dedicated to sharing God's compassion with the poor and His message of love with those who don't know especially in the Southeast Asian countries of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. At this link you will find their YouTube page that has many excellent videos.
Outpost Centers International networks and nurtures hundreds of Adventist supporting ministries around the world. These ministries represent a significant portion of the organized gospel outreach conducted by the laity of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. You will find their videos at this link.
The mission of Light Bearers is to vindicate the beauty of God's character.
ARM is a fantastic resource for radio, video and other programming. You must check them out!
Here you will find many wonderful mission videos.
Documentary Film Producers and Seminar Presenters; producing and presenting creative, life-changing, informative, intelligent and investigative relevant messages for today's modern world.
On this site you will find the much appreciated sermons of Ron Kelly and the many guest speakers who come to the church.
This is the Spanish channel of 3ABN.
The Fundación Orión ministry is located in Bolivia. It has a medical ministry program, as well as an excellent three month Bible Evangelism School. Fundación Orión is a member of ASI and OCI. The founder is the OCI VP for South America.
Fundación Orión YouTube Channel
This is a television ministry from Valencia, Spain.
You will find wonderful resources here in Spanish and English.
This is the home page for the French Signs of the Times Magazine. There are not many issues, but at least there are some. I hope more can be uploaded. I hope the early ones are uploaded soon.
Dans ces 42 études bibliques un groupe étudie les principales doctrines au travers des Écritures.
Vous trouverez ici les prédications et les leçons de l'Ecole du Sabbat produites par l'équipe pastorale de l'église adventiste de St Georges, Quebec, Canada.
Vous trouverez ici les predications audio du pasteur Paul Scalliet.
This website has many resources in French.
There are various sites that host online sermons. This is only one of them.
Here are audio programs from AWR. You can listen to programs in many different languages.
You will find wonderful sermons of the past here. I personally treasure the sermons of C. D. Brooks. All of the sermons can be downloaded at no cost as Mp3s. You can buy Books, DVDs and CDs too.
This is probably one of the most active sermon sites of the church at this time.
On this page you will find links to beautiful Christian music shared by godly Seventh-day Adventist Musicians.
There are many Bible Study sites that are excellent and helpful. Here are a few of them. The first one is the most comprehensive.
Gateway is one of the most successful soul winning churches in the world. They have developed wonderful methods for reaching people, a Bible School, (Rightly Trained), posted wonderful evangelistic videos (Beyond Patmos), and a have wonderful Bible Study resources.
This is a wonderful resource of videos, evangelistic sermons and books by a master soul-winner. Pastor Torres has been working as an Evangelist for 53 years and makes that knowledge available through this site on AWR.
This site compiles different Bible studies for each individual doctrine. For example the doctrine of Christ's second coming has more than 70 SDA Bible studies that can be downloaded as individual pdfs. These are all Bible studies of the past. Links to more modern studies follow.
Adventist World Radio has wonderful Bible Studies and wonderful evangelistic series that are available.
This is an evangelistic series by the President of AWR.
Louis Torres initiated the much blessed and appreciated Black Hills Bible School in South Dakota. He has been greatly blessed by God in holding meetings all over the world.
Cami is the host of AWR's video stories that are done so well. She shines in this series too. is here to answer your Biblical questions from a source you can trust--the Bible! We do that by providing brief summaries of Bible topics, resources and articles. Providing you an opportunity to ask a question and receive a personal Bible-based answer from the team. Providing you an opportunity to ask for personal prayer about the concerns in your life. Our team will pray for you and respond to you personally.
Providing free Bible study guides to assist you in understanding God’s answers to life’s greatest questions.
This is the website of Eugene Prewitt. He is an earnest student of the Bible and has developed many helpful studies.
You will find the Bible Studies created by Mark Finley and others at HopeLives365.
These are the Bible studies made available from The Voice of Prophecy ministry. Studies include Discover Bible Study Guides, Focus on Prophecy, Focus on Daniel, and KidZone and Troubleshooters. Many individuals are being blessed by these Bible studies.
There are seven lessons that focus on growing in the Christian journey.
Stay Alive encompasses fifteen lessons that go deeper in theological truth, looking at doctrines. Both sets of lessons are excellent in bringing about very positive results in the lives of those studying.
These are the Bible Studies of Mark Finley. They are excellent.
It Is Written has their own Bible Study Lessons, lessons for children, as Creation Health studies.
Amazing Facts has the original Bible Study Guides that have been around for quite a long time, as well as the newer Storacles of Prophecy.
The Shema Israel Bible course is designed for people with Jewish heritage or even Christians who wish to rediscover their Jewish roots. Shaped from a specific Hebrew perspective this course takes into account not only the Hebrew text but also the testimony of ancient Jewish sources.
Here are some of the organizations that publish books. The books offered here are not free.
This is a source of evangelistic, club (Pathfinders for example) and ministry materials that are mostly paid, however there are quick start guides on running ministries.
This is the official "bookstore" of the denomination.
This is the main publishing house of the denomination.
This is an independent, however, supportive, publishing company that provides many excellent books.
Teach is another independent, however, supportive publishing company. They also sell used denominational books.
I mention a few books that are excellent. There are many more sources of information on Bible prophecy. You will also find excellent resources at the Biblical Research Institute (see link above)
This is my favorite commentary on Revelation. That said, I haven't read all of the commentaries, but this is one I truly appreciate! It is highly recommended, not free, but worth the price.
"Dr. Kenneth Mathews has brought together some of the best thinking on the book of Revelation in this commentary. It is exegetically and theologically sound and strikes the conservative chord that the church needs today." To obtain, email Dr. Mathews via this email address:
This two volume set—one on the book of Daniel, the other on Revelation— has been around for a long time, and still highly respected.
Mervyn Maxwell
This is one of the best books on the 1844 movement. It is also published by Pacific Press.
Norman McNulty
These books are available from Remnant Publications.
William H. Shea
Published by Pacific Press, Rose and I really appreciated Dr. Shea's work. He was a teacher at the Theological Seminary when I was a student there, and later went over to the BRI.
This excellent book on Revelation provides a very simple understanding of the prophecies contained in the book. You can read it online.
This is a video site. Sam has taped more than 60 videos on the book of Revelation. They are excellent and I recommend them. I know Sam well and watched him serve the Lord for more than twenty years now, and have the highest respect for him. He is now also associated with Steven Wohlberg. The link takes you to the page where all of his playlists are located. You will have to choose the one for Revelation.
Richard Schwarz
This book is arguably the SDA textbook on Adventist history used throughout the denomination. I personally knew Dr. Schwartz and knew him to be a very godly man. I also took his course on the subject when I was in college and was greatly blessed. Furthermore, we used a vastly enlarged copy that was significantly edited down he told us that remains in my files. Perhaps some day that can be scanned and made available electronically. This book is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the archives or here.
This is not a Seventh-day Adventist site and therefore will offer commentary that is different than our beliefs, however the free Bible versions and tools for understanding the underlying language of Bible verses and finding additional texts are wonderful and free of cost. I use the tools regularly.
This site was created by professors at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary and the Computer Sciences Department at Andrews Univeristy to help people learn Greek and Hebrew. This is more for serious students, but it is available anywhere in the world and used by many organizations—SDA and nonSDA—throughout the world. The interface can be obtained in multiple languages. This link is the English language one.
Based on the United Prayer model, 24/7 is a twenty-four hour portal to other praying people in the Seventh-day Adventist Church around the world.
FAST is the memory, learning and training ministry of Dan Vis.
This is the website of the women's ministries at the General Conference
This is the website of Marquita Klinedinst.
This is the official ministry for the blind of our church. You will find many helpful resources here!
This is the ministry of Tim and Stacy Rumsey.
This is the ministry behind the website. We speak in churches, do weeks of prayer and teach classes in Bible Schools in the United States and various places in the world. Our website has more than 800 pages of helpful resources on many spiritual topics. You can learn more about our ministry at this link. Here is the link for
This is Scott Griswold's ministry in near Houston, TX where you can gain hands on witness training on reaching people from many different countries and cultures. The RWND website is sponsored by ASAP.
Closely associated with Reach the World Next Door is MLML
This is the website of Pastor Stephen Bohr.
This is the website of Steven Wholberg. There is a focus on last day events.
The mission of Light Bearers is to vindicate the beauty of God's character.
The following links are the prophecy and training websites of David Klinedinst. David has been blessed to develop very Christ-centered approaches to evangelism, as well as developing training programs for God's people.
His prophecy website.
Free Books and Audio sermons on righteousness by faith. You can also request printed copies of their resources and they will be sent free anywhere in the word. The books have been translated into many languages.
At this link you will find much information about the many programs offered by the General Conference for children, youth and young adults, including Adventurers, Pathfinders, Ambassadors and Young Adults.
GYC is a youth-initiated and led movement of Seventh-day Adventists from diverse backgrounds, united in a common commitment to serious Bible study, intense prayer, uncompromising lifestyle, and boldness in sharing Christ with others. The annual conference is very popular, well attended conference attracting thousands of young adults from all parts of the world. Additional annual GYC conferences take place in other parts of the world as well.
Restoration has provides resources as well as runs family camps that are highly recommended.
This series comes from the Inter-American Division.
This link will take you to a page on this website that includes some of these resources and many others. It will be a work in progress.
You will find 440 issues of The Junior Guide Magazine at this Internet Archive link. The available issues begin in 1953, the first year of publication, and go through 1973. This is a wonderful resource of good reading for your teens. You can download these issues in a variety of formats.
Here you will find more than 4,400 issues of the Youth's Instructor starting with the first issues.
This is a wonderful dramatized history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. You can find links to purchase the series of 117 stores, or links for downloading stories for free. Children love listening to them as well.
In addition to the General Conference Youth Ministries Department, many parents appreciate the following organizations and resources.
Here you will find a ten part evangelistic series for children by Doug Bachelor and Amazing Facts. You can watch it for free online, or purchase it from Amazing Facts.You can also download related resources for free.
There is lots of helpful information shared on this site that mirrors the adult "Bible Info" site.
This interactive site was developed by the It Is Written ministry.
This is a wonderful resource and is used by many parents. Right now you can download their magazine for free! Young Disciple also has a wonderful summer camp where your children will have fun learning about, and serving, Jesus. Activities include canvassing taught by Eugene Prewitt.
My Bible First produces wonderful resources to help parents and churches capture the interest of children and youth, help these young people give their hearts to Jesus, and help them learn to love and know the Bible. Age-appropriate curriculum is available for every age group starting with children under 3. Helpful teacher resources have also been developed at a relatively low cost. Our family loves My Bible First materials, including their song books (individual songs with art work in a flip book) and their Picture books.
On this page you will find coloring pages and other resources that go with the lessons of MyBibleFirst. You can download them for free. But!!!! do purchase the lessons. They are wonderful.
Starting With Jesus produces delightful podcasts for children, called SeedPod for Beginners (Children 0-5) and SeedPod for Kids (Children 4 and up), as well as a podcast for juniors. Find links below. Two podcasts are presented each week, and include stories, songs, prayer and much more. They can be found at, as well as Spotify, Heart Radio Alexa Media Player, Podbean, iTunes and other media venues.
The SeedPod podcast uses the materials of My Bible First with their permission. Accordingly, many children listen to the podcast and study the lesson as part of their daily devotionals. You can also get a memory verse resource.
You will also find printed materials to download that follow the My Bible First lessons. You MUST visit this site!
This link is for the two podcast for younger children.
This is the link for the juniors podcast.
This is a new evangelistic series developed by My Bible First and is highly recommended! You will find the episodes mixed in with the StartingWithJesus videos. You can purchase the Bible Studies that go with these lessons, or you can download a free copy from the same page.
This is the Youtube link for 3ABN's popular kids program.
This is a collection of children singing on 3ABN.
Your Story Hour has been around since the 1940s and is loved by people of all ages throughout the world. Stories have been produced in English, Spanish and Russian. These stories are broadcast on hundreds of radio stations throughout the world. There are also Bible Lessons that many children have completed. Parents are able to buy the stories on CDs or download them from the internet. Free stories are posted on a regular basis.
The White Estate has several books for children and youth on Ellen White that can be downloaded in various formats. These include Angel Over My Tent (Delafield/Wheeler), His Messenger (Wheeler), Over My Shoulder (Robinson), Stories of My Grandmother(Robinson), There Shines A Light (Spaulding), etc.
Many of us grew up with Our Little Friend, receiving them in Sabbath School week to week. Later we received the Primary Treasure, which came for older children. 269 issues can be downloaded. They are a wonderful resource for families to use with their children.
Here you will find a series of Bible Studies for children produced by the Voice of Prophecy.
These books are wonderful!!!!!! Expensive to buy, but worth it. They can be "borrowed" online at the Internet Archive for an hour at a time. You can't download the books, but you can read them online.Though they are expensive, save the money to purchase them. They are the MOST requested book for our little one!!!
This collection would include the Bedtime Stories, the Children's Hour and the Bible Story Books. You can find many of his books to "borrow" on line through the Internet Archive. The time they are available is limited, but it allows access all over the world. If you lie in the United States you can purchase new copies through the Adventist Book Center. Used copies can be obtained by contacting John Segar in Michigan (1 (269) 781-6379). He has thousands of used SDA books which he sells for a very reasonable price.
The next two groups are associations that ministries can join. Participation brings credibility, possible funding, conventions, great networking opportunities and ongoing support.
ASI describes itself as the Seventh-day Adventist organization of supporting ministries, businesses and professionals who are responding to the call of God to actively share Christ’s love and hope with the world. ASI has a well attended annual convention that attracts business and ministry attendees from throughout the world.
Outpost Centers International networks and nurtures more than 130 Adventist supporting ministries around the world. These ministries represent a significant portion of the organized gospel outreach conducted by the laity of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Adventist World Radio has a very significant health ministry that you should be aware of. During the Covid pandemic, for example, they did a series of programs that were highly educational. I can't find it any more, but it was wonderful. I hope they will do more of them.
This is the main page of the Adventist Health system. There is a section with recipes and other resources that may be of interest.
Eden Valley Institute, in Loveland, CO, has been ministering in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains since 1962.
This is the ministry of John Clark. He has excellent understanding of health and is very responsive to email questions.
Uchee Pines is the highly regarded ministry founded by Agatha Thrash and her husband. Until recently Mark Sandoval was the medical director. You will find information on how to respond to many health conditions at their website.
This link will take you to the many counseling sheets that are so helpful on treating various conditions naturally.
Their Covid Protocol for responding to Covid in natural ways is exceedingly helpful and reflects current thinking on responding to Covid to avoid hospitalization.
Weimar offers academic and natural health services, the latter being the acclaimed NEWSTART Program. NEWSTART is a physician monitored, scientifically researched lifestyle change program based on eight fundamental principles proven to help you achieve optimum health: Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance, Air, Rest and Trust.
For over 75 years, Wildwood Lifestyle Center has helped people not only stop disease progression, but naturally reverse it.
MedMissionary is the collaborative effort of Joyce Choe MD, Mercy Ballard, Dave Fiedler and Kalon and Danna Gesellchen, and provides training and information on overcoming lifestyle and other medical conditions. Their recent information on the early treatment of Covid is most helpful. MedMercy has a loyal following.
One Degree Organic Foods sells various ingredients and baked products. On their website are many excellent recipes.
This site has many excellent plant-based recipes.
You will find many wonderful plant-based recipes on this blog.
We don't have a lot of recipes, but some of them are favorites: Almost flour-free sprouted wheat bread; low fat mayo, etc.
This the General Conference organization that provides videos and other information on missions, mission training, mission service opportunities, etc.
Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International is the global humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist church present in 107 countries.
AFM's sole purpose is to hasten the coming of Jesus by giving unreached people the opportunity to know Him and become His disciples. They are the only Seventh-day Adventist ministry focused solely on the unreached.
Based in Berrien Springs, Michigan, ASAP does a wonderful work in Southeast Asia and other parts of the world. You can learn much about doing mission service in visiting their website.
FaithCamp is a missions-focused campmeeting for all ages where you can hear powerful frontline mission stories and learn how to live by faith in these last days of earth's history. These take place throughout the United States. Faith Camp is an outreach of Jesus for Asia.
Gospel Outreach is a nonprofit organization dedicated to extending the international ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the 10/40 Window.
This mission organization does a wonderful work in promoting and doing missions.
Laymen's Ministries supports mission projects and missionaries around the world. We currently work in 8 different countries with a wide range of mission projects — such as building schools for indigenous children in various countries, running an orphanage in India, operating an aviation-based medical clinic in Vanuatu, teaching health and hygiene along with the Gospel message to people in Nepal, operating prison ministries in Romania and The Philippines, and TV production both in India and here in the United States. You will find their YouTube channel here.
Maranatha builds schools and churches throughout the world with the help of volunteers. Consider joining them on one of their trips.
PAMAS was established in 2007 byDwayne Harris, a helicopter and fixed-wing pilot/mechanic, who was inspired to start a much needed aviation ministry in the Philippines. PAMAS currently has 5 pilots and operates several helicopters and four airplanes. These include a Cessna 172, 182, and 206, and a Piper Twin Comanche. More than 700 flight hours are logged by volunteer pilots each year, with 80% of the flights being medical evacuation cases. PAMAS is the only air medical evacuation service of its kind in the Philippines that is available to everyone regardless of their financial resources. It operates by faith, through donations, and is solely staffed by volunteers. Here is a link for the website and links for videos on the ministry of Daniel Lui, whose helicopter went down on a medical evacuation mission with four other individuals.
VIDA Internacional is a Honduras-based bilingual elementary school, the IBC mission school, lifestyle center. It attracts students from various parts of the world.
Members are gardening enthusiasts that in some cases have become very successful enterprises. They have a yearly convention that is also very helpful.
You will find a long list of SDA members who know a lot about agriculture.
Farm Stew helps needy people help themselves by training them to grow their own food.
This is the main site for all things educational in the Adventist Church.
This is a long list of conference and self-supporting schools. The OCI designation means it is accredited by Outpost Centers International (OCI).
There are excellent self-supporting schools as well. This is a partial list.
Fountainview is well known for its wonderful music program! It is located quite a ways north in British Columbia, Canada, but people go there from the US and other parts of the world for the music program. The students get lots of experience raising carrots as well.
Matteson Mission School, an institution of the Granheim Foundation, believes in training medical missionaries for a life of wholehearted service to God. Rose and I have been in some locations were the students were also working, and we had a wonderful experience with them. We recommend the school highly!
Oklahoma Academy is known for a variety of mission tracks for there students—Aviation, Digital Media, Mission Construction, Mission Music, etc.; the Academy Bible; and Messiah's Mansion, which is located at the same location. It is also a wonderful school.
Ouachita Hills is a highly respected self-supporting school in Arkansas; the academy should be excellent as well.
Matteson is a wonderful school where the focus is on building character and training for missions.
There are many other websites. For example, every division has a website, as do many churches throughout the world. You can find links to many of these at the main General Conference website. Please suggest links to us.