His Robe Or Mine Study Guide

Dan Augsburger

The His Robe Or Mine Study Guide was originally developed for the Campus Ministry Training program at the Ann Arbor Michigan for missionaries working at the University of Michigan. Later it was given at the Pioneer Memorial Church and area churches. I have also shared the seminar at other venues throughout the world. In some of these places the churches have gone through the study guides and have been richly blessed. Here are some recommendations.


Here are some of the recommendations that have been received for the study guide.

Jerry Moon (written in 2004)

From Striving to Thriving (2004)

Dan E. Augsburger has made more than 40 presentations at our church over the past three years. We have found his teaching and preaching to be characterized by faithfulness to Scripture and the writings of Ellen G. White, a deep experiential practicality, and a broad and thorough acquaintance with other Christian authors who have clearly articulated the way to consistent, joyful, victorious Christian living.

As a result of Dan’s ministry, many in our congregation have grown from merely striving after Christ to thriving in Christ. The “fight of faith” has not ceased, but Dan has introduced concepts so simple and clear, yet so essential, that our walk with God has been immediately improved. Our prayer meeting (that we call “CROSS-training”) has gained new life, and miracles of spiritual growth are happening among us. We believe these are the genuine fruit of the plain, clear teaching of the biblical gospel. Consequently, we feel free to recommend Dan and his ministry to all. —Jerry Moon, head elder, St. Joseph Michigan Seventh-day Adventist Church, and chair, Department of Church History, Seminary, Andrews University.


Jerry Moon (written in 2024)

Former Chairman, Church History Department 

Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Endorsement and Recommendation for Dan Augsburger, lay minister and revivalist

I have known Dan Augsburger for more than 20 years, during which he has been a very positive influence in my life.  During the spring and summer of 2004 at the St. Joseph, Michigan, Seventh-day Adventist church, Dan conducted an extended prayer meeting series on the concept of “dying” to self and self-will (Galatians 2:20; Romans 6:3-11; Luke 9:23, etc.).  This was a life-changing study for me, opening a door to spiritual growth that continues to the present.  I was then chair of the Church History Department in the Seminary. I several times invited Dan as a guest lecturer on discipleship and true biblical spirituality within my course on Issues in the Writings of Ellen G. White.” The department also hired him as a contract teacher for the course “History of Christian Spirituality.” I have heard him preach on several occasions at the St. Joseph, Michigan, Seventh-day Adventist church.  I am acquainted with his extensive original research in both the published and the unpublished writings of Ellen G. White on the subject of the Godhead, and on several other subjects.

On the basis of this association, I can confidently affirm that Dan is solidly true to the Seventh-day Adventist concept of Scripture. He uses the writings of Ellen G. White carefully and properly. He upholds the Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists without hesitation or apology. For all these reasons I am pleased to recommend Dan Augsburger as a speaker in Adventist churches, camp meetings, revival meetings, and wherever else he may have opportunity to bear his witness to Jesus Christ, the hope of the Second Coming, and the joy of living each day surrendered to, and abiding in Jesus. 


Jerry Moon
Emeritus Professor of Church History
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Darren Greenfield

Former Michigan Conference Pastor

First I read the book and was moved with the content especially the concept of the death to self and the Reckoning yourself to be dead as Paul said in Romans. This experience of faith is powerful in silencing the accuser's voice that continually discourages and weakens so many of us. One man who I was studying with who was bitter towards God and bitter towards many individuals, after I gave him the book he read it and obtained the Justified walk series on cassette and it changed his attitude completely and he was a new man. He surrendered his life To Jesus and trusted Him for the first time. He accepted the things that he was going through knowing that God had allowed them for his good, including the nasty divorce that he was going through. That man was soon baptized after having held back for decades.

The difference that book makes in the lives of those who receive the concepts is that they become teachable and willing to learn from God as He works all things together for good in their lives.

To maximize the impact of using the study Guide that Dan put together to use along with the book HROM, I set the date for starting the study during prayer meeting and Dan spoke on the Sabbath before talking about the abundant life and encouraged the members to attend the weekly meetings. 25 came that week and most of them continued throughout the duration of the 18 studies. Usually only 8 individuals came to prayer meeting so this was a big increase. Church members told me that this was the largest number to attend such a series that the church had seen in many, many years. Those who attended read diligently the chapters in the book corresponding to the study for that week and they eagerly looked forward to the meeting. We had good discussions and I could see the members grasping and struggling with the concept of dying to self in all the areas God calls for.

It would be a shame for a church not to do this series. There is very little work for the pastor or leader to do as the lessons have already been formatted


Pastor Dwight Nelson 

Former Pastor Pioneer Memorial Church

To Whom It May Concern (2004)

I've had the privilege of knowing Daniel Augsburger, Jr., for the past five years, during which he has been an active member here in the Pioneer Memorial Church. I'm delighted and honored to recommend him and his growing revival ministry.

Dan is not only an earnest student of the Word of God, he is one of the most widely-read individuals I know in the literature of the Christian life and spiritual victory. In particular he has given life-long study to the writings of such nineteenth century devotional giants as Andrew Murray and F. B. Meyers. But most recently his study has led him to a deepening awareness and experience of the pinnacle truth of righteousness by faith. His new syllabus on the subject effectively weaves together the writings of Ellen White with the Scriptures, and I have been richly blessed by its clear teaching.

Dan has taught us here at Pioneer in a recent three month study series he did for our House of Prayer service on Wednesday evenings. We were richly blessed by that ministry-and I know you will be, too.

Finally, Dan has been a prayer partner of mine over the years. His own passion for God and love for Jesus inform his life and direct his ministry.
That's why I can wholehearted recommend him and his ministry to you

Dwight K. Nelson


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