The Bible has many examples of individuals who sought God’s help and blessing through fasting. In this session we look at the kinds of things they were praying about, as well as statements from the Mrs. White.
By prayer and fasting, by self-examination and confession of sin, they [Ezra and those with him] sought to come into harmony with God and his holy law.” {RH February 13, 1908, par. 13}
“Let our churches in every place fast and pray, each man humbling his own heart before the Lord. Do not seek to humble the soul of your brother or sister, but let each set his own heart right before God.
Confess your sins one to another, and pray one for another. Continue to pray until the yokes are all broken from the necks of our brethren and the desire to rule has been quenched.” {Lt 224, 1907, par. 13}
“Before the power of the Holy Ghost rested upon the disciples, they spent ten days before God in prayer and fasting and confession of sin. After they had come into unity, the heavens were opened, the glory of God was revealed, and the Holy Spirit came upon them. ” {Ms 77, 1902, par. 58}
“The work of a united, converted church, with prayer and fasting for the Holy Spirit of God to be revealed, will bring the angelic agencies very near.” {AUGleaner January 8, 1902, par. 4}
“There are sins of this same character among us today [Oppression and lack of love], and they bring the rebuke of God upon his church. Wherever such sins are found, seasons of fasting and prayer are indeed necessary; but they must be accompanied with sincere repentance and decided reformation. Without such contrition of soul, these seasons only increase the guilt of the wrong-doer.” {RH October 13, 1891, par. 6}
“When declension and danger threaten the church, there will be more praying, more fasting, by the faithful few, and the Lord will answer the prayers offered to him in sincerity, and at the same time he will come forth as an avenger because of the guiltiness of the evil-workers.” {RH December 11, 1888, Art. C, par. 3}
“Wake up, brethren; wake up from your peace and safety attitude and seek the Lord while He may be found; call ye upon Him while He is now nigh, in every church, with fasting, with confession and true repentance of heart.” {T15 25.2}
“Let us humble our souls before God by humiliation, fasting and prayer, repentance of sin, and putting it away. {Lt 55, 1886, par. 15}
“If ever we are as a people to become elevated, cleansed, and purified, to reach the highest standard, we must now seek Him with heart and soul and voice, with fasting and prayer.” {Lt264-1902.12}
“In order to succeed in such a conflict they must come to the work in a different spirit. Their faith must be strengthened by fervent prayer and fasting, and humiliation of heart.” {DA 431.2}
“Spread every plan before God with fasting, with the humbling of the soul before the Lord Jesus; and commit thy ways unto the Lord, and the sure promise is that He will direct thy paths.” {Lt 45, 1893, par. 27}
“It is in the order of God that those who bear responsibilities should often meet together to counsel with one another and to pray earnestly for that wisdom which he alone can impart. ... Let brethren unite in fasting and prayer for the wisdom that God has promised to supply liberally.” {GW92 236.2}
“They [Those struggling with evil spirits] should entreat those who have had a religious experience, and who have faith in the promises of God, to plead with the mighty Deliverer in their behalf. It will be a close conflict. Satan will reinforce his evil angels who have controlled these persons; but if the saints of God with deep humility fast and pray, their prayers will prevail.” {1T 343.2}
“I saw we must keep close to Jesus and fast and pray if we could not get the victory over the powers of darkness.” {Ms5-1850.}
“When Satan comes up with his power to oppress us, we must have faith in God and beat him back, and if we could not get the victory, we should fast and pray and we should surely get the victory and triumph over Satan.” {Ms 7, 1850, par. 14}
“There should be brethren in the church who have wisdom, who can speak decidedly regarding this case. ... I do not believe that God wants me to take any such burden upon me. If they cannot settle such things among themselves by prayer and fasting, then let them continue fasting and prayer till they can. {Ms 2, 1913, par. 2}
“Is not this a time when it would be highly proper to fast and pray before God? We are in danger of variance, in danger of taking sides on a controverted point; and should we not seek God in earnestness, with humiliation of soul, that we may know what is truth?” {RH February 18, 1890, par. 19}
“And whenever it is necessary for the advancement of the cause of truth and the glory of God that an opponent be met, how carefully and with what humility should they go into the conflict. With heart-searching, confession of sin, and earnest prayer, and often fasting for a time, they should entreat that God would especially help them and give His saving, precious truth a glorious victory, that error might appear in its true deformity and its advocates be completely discomfited.” {1T 624.2}
"Oh, I do feel that we should appoint one day in a month for fasting and prayer for the Lord of the harvest to raise up men who shall go into the field and sow the seeds of truth.” {Lt 15, 1879, par. 5}
For certain things, fasting and prayer are recommended and appropriate. In the hand of God they are a means of cleansing the heart and promoting a receptive frame of mind. We obtain answers to our prayers because we humble our souls before God. {Lt 73, 1896, par. 7}
This Discussion Guide was created for the 2022 GYC Conference in Phoenix, AZ, by Dan Augsburger of Path2Prayer Ministries.
GCY Pt 3