Quotes on Raising Children

Matthew 19:13 "Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. 14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. 15 And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence."




Encourage Your Children

Colossians 3:21 "Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged."

"The prevalent evils in our homes are fault-finding and censure, placing the worst construction upon words and motives. This is discouraging to the children, frequently causing them to give up their efforts to do right. If words of commendation were spoken, when they could be justly, it would show them that their efforts were appreciated, and teach them justice. If mistakes and defects are continually pointed out, often impatiently, and sometimes in the white heat of anger; if no kindly notice is taken of any improvement or progress, the children become disheartened. They feel that they are treated mercilessly, that they are left to struggle along without appreciation or encouragement. Shall not this state of things be changed? It must if parents want their children to enjoy religion." {RH December 16, 1884, par. 15}

Do Not Scold And Fret At Them

"And I want to say to you, parents, Do your duty to your children, for there are a great many who neglect their duties to their children. Do not scold and fret at them; that will not save them at all; but take them right away and pray with them. Ask God to help them, and He will hear your prayers, and it will impress the children more than all the whipping that you could give them. It will help them, and God will unite your hearts with theirs. {Ms81-1910.29} Oh, let us seek with all our hearts to represent Christ in our lives. Begin at home, and let the home life be a sacred one where God can come in and where He can let the influence of His Spirit rest upon the children and where they will be under the influence of the Spirit of God. But if you show any passion, lifting your hand to the children, it would put the devil into them and they would not care what they did. Now the enemy is at work for the children, and let the parents work with all their powers and their influence to train the children. This is quite a company of children, and what intense interest should be in the minds of the parents. God wants you, children. {Ms81-1910.30}

The Example Of Parents Should Be Faultless

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

"The example of the parents, in word and deportment, should be without fault; for this is the copy which is given their little ones to imitate. If parents desire their children to be right and do right, they must be right themselves in theory and in practice. Courtesy, even in little things, should be manifested by the parents toward each other. Universal kindness should be the law of the house. No rude language should be indulged, no bitter words should be spoken. Parents should exercise self-control, patience, forbearance, gentleness, and love, in dealing with their children. They should remember that the example they give their children, they will see reproduced in them." {HR January 1, 1880, par. 6} ... Childhood is the season in which the most abiding impressions may be made. What the child sees and hears is drawing deep lines upon the tender mind, which no after circumstances in life can entirely efface. The intellect is now taking shape, and the affections receiving direction and strength. Repeated acts in a given course become habits. These may be modified by severe training, in after life, but are seldom changed. The whole future course of thousands is determined by the education received from the parents in childhood. At an early age the path of virtue is entered upon, which leads to honor and eternal life; or the path of disobedience and vice, which leads to unhappiness, dishonor, and the ruin of the soul." {HR January 1, 1880, par. 11}

Make Jesus Your Child's Friend

"An eminent divine was once asked how old a child must be before there was reasonable hope of his being a Christian. “Age has nothing to do with it,” was the answer. “Love to Jesus, trust, repose, confidence, are all qualities that agree with the child’s nature. As soon as a child can love and trust his mother, then can he love and trust Jesus as the friend of his mother. Jesus will be his friend, loved and honored.” {HR January 1, 1880, par. 8}

Bring Hundreds And Thousands Of Children To Christ

Luke 18:16 (NKJV) 16 "But Jesus called them to Him and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God."

"We may bring hundreds and thousands of children to Christ if we will work for them."—Special Testimony to the Battle Creek Church; written at Cooranbong, N.S.W., Australia, December 15, 1897. {CT 172.2}

The Christian’s First Duty Is In The Home

"The Christian’s first duty is in the home. Fathers and mothers, yours is a great responsibility. You are preparing your children for life or for death; you are training them for an abiding place here in the earth, for self-gratification in this life, or for the immortal life, to praise God forever. And which shall it be? It should be the burden of your life to have every child that God has committed to your trust receive the divine mould. Your children should be taught to control their tempers and to cultivate a loving, Christlike spirit. So direct them that they will love the service of God, that they will take more pleasure in going to the house of worship than to places of amusement. Teach them that religion is a living principle." Signs of the Times, January 14, 1886, par. 4


Unless otherwise stated, the quotes come from the writings of Mrs. E. G. White.